Give your pets the same care you’d give yourself
Anji has used herbs and Natural Healing for her animals since 1970
They have all been healthy and lived happy and exceptionally long lives. We have very rarely had occasion to seek the services of vets – maybe that’s down to “luck” but we’d like to think that careful rearing and prompt attention to problems using natural healing techniques and herbs has helped.
“There remains in every human soul the love of the wild and the wilderness, and this feeling is yet stronger in animals.”
Anji’s inspiration has been Juliette de Bairacli Levy, the “grandmother” of herbal medicine and pioneer of herbal healthcare for animals, who opened her eyes to the natural rearing of children and animals very early on in her life – before ever she trained as a herbalist herself.

“I would be honoured to help you with your animals. I am mainly concerned with preventative lifestyles, and I have a range of formulae that I have developed through years of experience which can provide owners with the tools to help keep their pets in lifelong good health.”
Anji Jackson-Main